Step Three of the Government's roadmap out of lockdown begins today. This means that the rule of six or two households that has applied outdoors will now apply indoors – and the limit for outdoor meetings will increase to 30. From today, indoor entertainment and attractions such as pubs, restaurants, theatres, cinemas and concert halls will open indoors, along with sports stadia, subject to capacity limits.
I'm so pleased that we will be able to see some of our most-loved local attractions re-open and wish them well today. As always, people should continue to be mindful of hands, face and space to make sure we can remain on track as we emerge from the pandemic.
You can read the full guidance on the new rules here: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/covid-19-coronavirus-restrictions-what-you-can-and-cannot-do#how-the-rules-will-change-on-17-may.