Proposed Oxfordshire Strategic Rail Freight Interchange

I have received the following from the developers behind the proposed OxSRFI at Ardley.

I am writing to let you know directly that Oxfordshire Railfreight Ltd is taking a slight pause with the Oxfordshire Strategic Rail Freight Interchange project whilst we undertake a thorough review of the scheme.

The reasons for this are that the scale and complexity of transport infrastructure works have become such that the project team have decided that it is right to pause the wider work on the project to allow for a thorough review to take place. The highway works, in combination, are now significantly in excess of the scale of works carried out on other approved and similarly sized SRFI’s. The project team is clear that the scheme cannot be expected to resolve significant existing highway problems as well as mitigate its own impacts. Careful reflection is required before the scheme will be progressed to statutory consultation and examination.

The proposals have caused significant concern locally since they were first announced. I have always felt that this is not the right location for such a scheme. I therefore welcome the developers’ admission that fundamental issues exist with the project and that a review of its viability will be undertaken. While this is underway, I will continue to follow all updates closely.


Oxfordshire SRFI Update

I have received the following from the developers behind the proposed OxSRFI at Ardley.

Second Proposed SRFI Consultation Delayed

Last week, I received an update from Oxalis Planning. This informed me that the stage two, statutory public consultation on the proposed Oxfordshire Strategic Rail Freight Interchange has been delayed.

Proposed SRFI Public Consultation Begins

A public consultation on the proposed Oxfordshire Strategic Rail Freight Interchange begins today. The proposals include a new rail freight interchange and 6.5 million sq. ft. of warehousing on the side of the Chiltern Mainline, between Ardley and Middleton Stoney.

Proposed SRFI Public Consultation Delayed

I received an update from Oxalis Planning today. From this, I understand that the first public consultation for the proposed Oxfordshire Strategic Rail Freight Interchange has been delayed.